L’ARCA is a micropublication produced to accompany ARCA’s Saturday November 14, 2015 plenary*, from12:00 – 2:00, Layton Room, Ryerson Student Centre (Toronto), as part of the conference Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion. Consisting in the edited print incarnation of twelve bilingual briefs disseminated weekly from August 25 to November 10, 2015, produced to provide a holistic sense of ARCA’s activities as they are connected to current cultural events..
Director: Anne Bertrand
Editor : Gina Badger
Design: Annie Lafleur
Strategy: Anne Bertrand & Annie Lafleur
Copyediting : Gina Badger & Annie Lafleur
Translation of essay by Michael Eddy : Isabelle Lamarre
Translation of essay by Fortner Anderson and other briefs: Jean Mailloux & Anne Bertrand
Printed by Solutions Rubiks in Montreal, in 75 copies for face-to-face distribution to participants of the plenary.
* The plenary is an informal meeting space for artist-run centres’ workers and members in attendance at the national conference, created to promote dialogue among peers.
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