ARCA invited to US arts administrators’ meeting, Ox-Bow, Saugatuck, Michigan


From April 18 to 21, 2013, and on the invitation of organizers Shannon Stratton (Threewalls, Chicago, IL), Abigail Satinsky (Threewalls), Courtney Fink (Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA), Elizabeth Chodos, (Ox-Bow, Saugatuck, MI/Chicago, IL) and Nat May (SPACE, Portland, ME), ARCA board member Jonathan Middleton (PAARC; Or Gallery) attended a convening of nearly 30 arts administrators from artist-run and artist-focused arts organizations from across the United States.

An interview with Julie Ault, Skol (Montréal), October 2011


In this interview, artist Julie Ault, cofounder of Group Material, active from 1979-1996 in New York and internationally, speaks of her experience leading a master class with non-profit cultural workers in a day long reflection on alternative art spaces. Group Material is remembered as a not-for-profit organization that emphasized collaborative and socially engaged artistic practices. Drawing from her lived experience as a participant, and her later role as the ad hoc historian for the group as editor of Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material (2010).