From April 18 to 21, 2013, and on the invitation of organizers Shannon Stratton (Threewalls, Chicago, IL), Abigail Satinsky (Threewalls), Courtney Fink (Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA), Elizabeth Chodos, (Ox-Bow, Saugatuck, MI/Chicago, IL) and Nat May (SPACE, Portland, ME), ARCA board member Jonathan Middleton (PAARC; Or Gallery) attended a convening of nearly 30 arts administrators from artist-run and artist-focused arts organizations from across the United States.
An interview with Julie Ault, Skol (Montréal), October 2011
In this interview, artist Julie Ault, cofounder of Group Material, active from 1979-1996 in New York and internationally, speaks of her experience leading a master class with non-profit cultural workers in a day long reflection on alternative art spaces. Group Material is remembered as a not-for-profit organization that emphasized collaborative and socially engaged artistic practices. Drawing from her lived experience as a participant, and her later role as the ad hoc historian for the group as editor of Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material (2010).