The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) is hosting a moderated session on the future of conferences in the arts and is seeking your feedback on how to move forward. With digital models being fine-tuned and pandemic pressures lessening in many regions, the expectation to begin meeting in person again has surfaced. Considering the changes »»

News From the Membership


AGAVF ( Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones ) Appel de candidatures / 2e édition – Incubateur en commissariat / Été 2020 (French only) L’AGAVF lance un appel aux commissaires émergent.e.s pour participer à la 2e édition de l’Incubateur en commissariat à l’été 2020. Cet atelier intensif a comme objectif de soutenir les personnes souhaitant développer des initiatives en commissariat et »»

Lands to Travel Through – the 2020 gathering of Artist-Run Centres, Calgary, AB


In August 2020, the Alberta Association of Artist-run Centres ( AAARC ) will partner with Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference ( ARCA ) to host a transnational gathering of artists and artist-run organizations, meeting in Calgary on Treaty 7 territory. Titled Lands to Travel Through , this four-day event will centre practices of care, reciprocity and resource-sharing as critical responses to »»

l’arca in the loop — # 27


NEWSLETTER: L’ARCA IN THE LOOP #27—Reminder: Call for proposals for Lands to Travel Through—ARCA Board of Directors election—ARCA welcomes SPiLL to its membership!—AGAVF welcomes two new collectives: IRIPAA and lecollectif—Ociciwan Contemporary Art Collective, Edmonton, Alberta, joins AAARC—Closing of the Gam Gallery in Vancouver, BC—Benchmarking study about remuneration of Canadian writers for literary works & MORE. »»

Call for Submissions / VOLUME 2 MTL


 VOLUME 2 MTL: ART AND THE BOOK Deadline: September 24, 2019 The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) invites publishing artist-run centres to submit their publications to VOLUME 2 MTL: ART AND THE BOOK. As an artist-run centre, you will be given a spot at ARCA’s table to promote and »»

L’arca in the Loop #6


Montréal , September 14, 2016 — This year ARCA is in the off-year between conferences, making it a good place to digest the meetings, conversations and notes. The brief relates results from ARCCO’s report on the Artist at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion conference held last November in Toronto. Read L’arca in the Loop no 6

L’arca in the Loop #4


On Wednesday March 30, I attended the launch of I sign! – a campaign produced by SPiLL PROpagation, an organization bringing together artists from ASL (American Sign Language) and LSQ (Langue des Signes Québécoise) linguistic minorities, and working in all artistic disciplines. Read L’arca in the loop no 4

TXT, the ad hoc Canadian Art Publishing Network’s second meeting, Vancouver


On October 16 and 17, some bibliophiles from the visual arts community met in Vancouver to explore ways we can better connect our publications to audiences. Among the participants were organizations with resources and knowledge that could be mobilized in service of a collaborative, networked dissemination project. No one’s saying we are opposed to making »»

Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion


From November 12 to 14, 2015, Artist-Run Centres & Collectives of Ontario (ARCCO) hosted Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion, a national conference focusing on diversity in the artist-run centres’ network.

ARCA visits South-Western Ontario


Invited by the Fine Arts Department of the University of Waterloo on February 25th to introduce a group of students to the artist-run network as part of their Professional Development Talks series, I stayed a few days longer to visit centres in Hamilton and London.