Weekly x COVID-19 /03 —16 avril 2020— À LA UNE. Acknowledging the challenges of closing artist-run centers (ARCs) due to COVID-19, CARFAC offers the following recommendations for alternative and online programming to help centers mitigate the impact of cancellations and postponements of activities on artists and other self-employed workers in this time of crisis. While »»
l’arca in the loop — # 28
NEWSLETTER: L’ARCA IN THE LOOP #28—Happy Holidays to All!—Hamilton Artists Inc., winner of the 2019 Lacey Prize!—Post-2019 Federal Election—Updates from CARFAC/RAAV and the Canadian Arts Coalition—Digital literacy in six microbites: Blockchain technology explained—News from CFAT’s recent survey on digital strategy—A selection of the latest calls for submissions from artist-run centres + recently updated Directory! > »»
CARFAC 2020 Royalty Schedule
CARFAC has undertaken a major overhaul of their minimum recommended royalty schedule; please consult the following URL for details: https://carfac-raav.ca/2020-en/ An online and print publicity campaign is in the works; material will be widely distributed once the new schedule website is completed and fully translated into french.
Assessing Professional Conditions for Performance Artists in Canada
May 30, 2019 — From May to August 2018, the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference/Conférence des collectifs et des centres d’artistes autogérés (ARCA), Canadian Artist Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC), and the Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV) conducted research on the professional conditions for performance art in Canada. The organizations »»
l’arca in the loop — # 22
With the Artist-Driven Organizations (ADO) grant application fast approaching (October 24, 2018), ARCA wishes to draw your attention to a few useful resources. You may know about them already, but it’s nice to have them gathered together in one spot. > Read more
Our colleagues at CARFAC National are asking the community to contribute to their fundraising campaign in support of their Supreme Court Appeal for the fair payment of artists at the National Gallery of Canada. As a collectivity that believes in the payment of artist fees, ARCA encourages those who can to donate generously. CARFAC & RAAV are also advocating for the inclusion of Artist’s Resale Right to the Canadian Copyright Act as has been done in at least 69 other countries. Why not show your support by sending your MP an email requesting his or her support for this bill?
CARFAC Fee Schedule for 2013-2015
ARCA has recently agreed, along with the museum associations (CMA and CAMDO) to extend the CARFAC fee schedule for another three years with yearly increases of 3%, until 2015, for a cumulative increase of 9,27%. Expanding on this, the ARCA membership is in agreement with the principle that fees should be paid, and be subject to annual cost »»
Study: Artist’s Fees
This survey was conducted by ARCA in the fall of 2007 at the request of CARFAC in order to establish the importance of artist fees paid by artist-run centres in relation to their overall budget.