Bibliography: In Dialogue with the Book


Publications selected in this bibliography establish a dialogue with the book as object or concept, invest it as a platform for diffusion, play with its materiality, or investigate its inherent relationship to language.

Bibliography: Idiosyncrasies


This bibliography gathers titles published by Canadian and Québécois artist-run centres, which chronicle their history or important moments of their development. Far from being exhaustive, this bibliography begs to be completed and expanded by readers.

Sélection: a Catalog of Essays and Critical Theory


Far from being exhaustive, the present Sélection of Canadian artist-run centres’ publications—many bilingual in French and English, representing mostly the Québec and French Canadian scenes in Canada—presents a cross-section of titles published from 1991 to today. This initiative stems from a desire to revive or re-circulate key texts and documents produced by the network and thereby to shed light on ARCs’ contributions to the development of critical discourses about contemporary art in Canada.

The online ARCPOST resource centre


The arcpost resource centre   includes: 772 links to artist-run centres and other independent arts organisations from Canada and around the world An Artist-run culture reading list as a downloadable bibliography in PDF format of over 130 book and journal references to artist run culture, alternative pedagogies, institutional critique, economics and artist self-organization compiled by Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte »»