June 12 2012 – ARCA, a conference of nine regional and cultural associations of artist-run centres, is calling out to artists of all disciplines to conceptualize, script and produce a communications video (max 3 min.) destined to represent the artist-run network as an active and long standing member of the wider arts milieu.
Rather than insist on borders, time-zones, cultures and languages, the artist (individual or team) will depict, suggest, represent, characterize, parody how individual centres, or loosely connected groups of centres share the common idioms and forms of art.
This « communications » video is destined to be viewed by an audience mostly familiar with the network but not necessarily. The project will probably work best if approached with the craft, thrift and levity of artistic simplicity, possibly using and remixing documentation material provided by individual centres.
The artist (individual or collective) will work in dialogue with ARCA’s regional representatives, artists Michel Boutin (Indigenous Peoples Artist Collective, Prince Albert, SK), Joe Katylnik (RAW: Gallery of Architecture and Design, Winnipeg), Michael McCormack (Eye Level, Halifax), and the administrative support offered by ARCA’s coordination.
Please understand that ARCA aims to launch this video during the opening reception of Institutions by Artists, October 11 2012 in Vancouver.
All submissions must be received by July 30th, 5pm eastern time.
Please include:
- A description of the project and intended approach;
- A work plan and calendar;
- A resume (max 3 pages);
Links to video excerpts (5 min. max) with brief descriptions of the material and any other relevant support material.
General information:
ARCA offers a 3000$ fee for a broadcast quality, finished video as well as a web-ready version;
The call is open to art professionals of all ages and levels of experience;
The proposals will be reviewed by a committee of peers.
Email your proposal to info@arccc-cccaa.org, indicating PROPOSALFORARCAVIDEO in the subject line
Results will be sent via email to all applicants shortly after deadline.
Information: 514-730-6129 info@arccc-cccaa.org