UPDATE: Read Michelle Chawla’s response to the letter. ARCA’s mandate is to support, advocate and connect artist-run centres and collectives across the country. We support the call for transparency, sustainability and consultation from the Canada Council for the Arts. With this open letter, we hope to begin rebuilding trust. We invite everyone who agrees that the Canada Council should »»

Pathways Together – SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED


View the schedule ARCA is thrilled to share the official, detailed schedule for Pathways Together.  Registrations remain open for the conference and can be completed here. T-Shirts are officially available for pre-order and will be ready for pick-up at the conference.  Please email our Programming Coordinator if you have any questions.

Pathways Together – SPEAKERS ANNOUNCED


  ARCA is pleased to share with you our list of speakers/facilitators for Pathways Together:   AGAVF Patterns Collective TakeHome Artist Collective MARCC Kate Macdonald Alice Crawford Tara Davis Karina Cardona Claros Amber Berson Laurence Dubuc Tarin Dehod Jordan Baylon Tiphaine Girault Lori Beavis   There is less than one month until Pathways Together – »»



  We are thrilled led to share our preliminary schedule for “Pathways Together”!   The conference will begin officially on October 11th at 6:00 pm with our opening reception. October 12th and 13th will be full days of conference programming. Each day of programming will be constituted of large themes, within which multiple presentations, workshops »»

Pathways Together REGISTRATION


  Registration for “Pathways Together” is officially OPEN! What better way to announce this exciting news than to share our official logo! REGISTER NOW!   The theme of the conference this year aims to explore and discuss the concept of pathways and networks forward, in the context of collective sharing. Taking place in Winnipeg, MB, the ancestral »»

ARCA Welcomes Katherine Dionne


ARCA is excited to announce our new Programming Coordinator, Katherine Dionne who will be working with us on many new initiatives and our upcoming conference “Pathways Together” taking place in Winnipeg in October 2023. Katherine is a multimedia artist and a graduate of the DAN School of Drama and Music at Queen’s University. Katherine holds »»



  ARCA has set its 2023 gathering/conference for October 11th -13th in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is an opportunity to engage, share, facilitate or network with and between peers in the artist-run arts sector. Working under the theme of “pathways together” ARCA is calling all artists, administrators, curators, or arts workers to come to Winnipeg for »»



to inform our approach for Lands to Travel Through Dear delegates and followers, A working committee of the Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres (AAARC) has continued meeting throughout the year to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the gathering, and begin to reimagine Lands To Travel Through. AAARC remains committed to centering practices of care, especially during »»