ARCA granted Strategic Initiative funding 2018-2020

In October 2018, ARCA was awarded financial assistance in the amount of $143,534 over three years from the Strategic Initiatives component of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund to develop ARCA and its membership of small arts organizations’ capacity to assess and account for investments in culture to funders, beneficiaries, donors, sponsors and other stakeholders.

ARCA’s project consists in:

  • The development of a resource specific to not-for-profit artist-led organizations for the management of earned and in-kind revenues, emulating and expanding on successful existing management practices to be sourced from the artist-run network;
  • the organization of a pilot “professional development” project, building on ARCA’s existing knowledge production and sharing practices; more specifically, organizing a workshop on diversification of revenues, including assessing intangible assets, at the next national conference (Calgary, August 2020)
  • Develop an online campaign, including video portraits of artist-run centres, to better publicize their contribution to the positioning of Canadian contemporary art.

ARCA will be calling on administrative staff of artist-run centres to source best practices and share administrative skills to:

  • Build the capacity of our administrative workers;
  • Better acknowledge their invisible labour;
  • Recognize, in financial statements, the under-valued contribution of artist-run centres to the overall success of larger institutions and the visual arts sector.

This initiative to focus on administrative workers is part of ARCA’s commitment to also support under-recognized disciplines in the visual arts, such as the support offered in previous years to performance and art publishing ad hoc groups.

Read the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism’s announcement here.