The President of the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA), Edward Ayoub, is pleased to announce the appointment of Clayton Windatt as Director of the organization. Montreal, September 8, 2020— The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference/Conférence des collectifs et des centres d’artistes autogérés (ARCA) is happy to announce the hiring of our new Executive »»
75,000 Canadian artists unite: It’s time for a basic income
75,000 Canadian artists unite: it’s time for a basic income Today, we join 30+ arts organizations and 250+ independent artists and cultural workers, through one united voice: we call upon the Government of Canada to ensure the financial well-being of all residents by implementing a permanent Basic Income Guarantee. A Public Letter from the Arts Community for a Basic Income Guarantee Join the co-authors of the public »»
Artist-Run Centres and COVID-19
LAST UPDATE: April 14, 2020. This post will be updated periodically as the situation evolves. Artist-Run Centres and COVID-19 COVID-19 will have a tremendous impact on the artist-run centres network and its human resources, including artists and self-employed workers. The Governement of Canada announced emergency aid to all workers affected by closures and »»
CHRC launches two training videos on workplace harassment in the arts
Under the Respectful Workplaces in the Arts banner ( ), the Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) announces two training videos on workplace harassment in the arts: one for employers – including Boards of Directors of not-for-profit organizations; and one for cultural workers – including self-employed artists, contractors and employees. These animated videos on ‘responding to harassment’ are scenario-based. They have been produced to explain »»
Retirement Savings Plans: What are the Options?
Following an analysis of Retirement Savings/Pension Plans in Canada as part of IMAA’s Assessing Sector Needs & Researching New Potential Services study, the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) and the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) wish to recommend the following retirements savings options plans for individuals and organizations in the independent arts sector. The »»
L’arca in the loop #19
Artist-Run Centres: Sites of Political Tensions > In the previous edition of “l’arca in the loop,” I mentioned the fact that tension in board/staff relations sometimes seems inherent to the political life of ARC. This tension, without being Manichean, begets risk and opportunity. But governance is not a science. >
Artist-Run Centres: Sites of Political Tensions
Editorial by Anne Bertrand in l’arca in the loop—#19 In the previous edition of “l’arca in the loop,” I mentioned the fact that tension in board/staff relations is inherent to the political life of artist-run centres (ARC). At the risk of sounding moralistic, this tension, without being Manichean, begets risk and opportunity. In other »»
L’arca in the Loop #8
Montréal, November 23, 2016 – In a recently crafted collective statement ARCA joined an ad hoc group of arts service organizations in Québec, to advocate for more equitable policies supporting Canadian, Québécois and Indigenous artistic production and dissemination in the digital era as part of Canadian Heritage consultations. Read L’arca in the loop No. 8
L’arca in the Loop #7
Montréal, October 19, 2016 – Part of ARCA’s mandate is to produce studies. Luckily, community based research is made easier today with recent developments in online data collecting and processing platforms. Members of the RCAAQ, frustrated with their own work conditions, have mobilized to update a 2005 survey on human resources. Read L’arca in the loop No. 7
L’arca in the Loop #6
Montréal , September 14, 2016 — This year ARCA is in the off-year between conferences, making it a good place to digest the meetings, conversations and notes. The brief relates results from ARCCO’s report on the Artist at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion conference held last November in Toronto. Read L’arca in the Loop no 6