l’arca in the loop — # 25

Introducing the Grey Guide E-Campaign — The Grey Guide to Artist–Run Publishing and Circulation is composed of a series of seven briefs written and developed by artist, critic, cultural worker and art librarian Felicity Tayler. Register to our list to receive the bi–weekly e–campaign, from March 1st to June 21, 2017. Editorial announcing the Grey Guide launch . Forward »»
Montréal, January 19, 2017 – In this issue, members are reminded to register on the Canada Council for the Arts online portal, developed to streamline funding applications from individual artists, groups, and organizations. As of April 2017, all applications will transit via this portal. Read L’arca in the loop No. 9
Montréal, November 23, 2016 – In a recently crafted collective statement ARCA joined an ad hoc group of arts service organizations in Québec, to advocate for more equitable policies supporting Canadian, Québécois and Indigenous artistic production and dissemination in the digital era as part of Canadian Heritage consultations. Read L’arca in the loop No. 8
The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) will publish its first Online Directory of Artist-Run Centres in the fall of 2014. This Directory replaces the one that, until 2010, was published every four years by the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ). The online directory will introduce every artist-run centre and collective in Canada, and provide basic information and a direct link to each organization’s website for more complete information. The electronic format will facilitate regular updates, provide searchable fields, and ensure easy and free access to everyone, in both official languages.