“La Liste” by AGAVF


La Liste is published every two weeks by L’Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones ( AGAVF ) in collaboration with Jean-Pierre Caissie. La Liste presents news from the association’s membership located in Manitoba, Ontario, New-Brunswick and Nova Scotia and compiles calls for proposals in the visual and media arts, performance, public art etc. La Liste was launched to promote »»

Call for video project proposal


ARCA, a conference of nine regional and cultural associations of artist-run centres, is calling out to artists of all disciplines to conceptualize, script and produce a communications video (max 3 min.) destined to represent the artist-run network as an active and long standing member of the wider arts milieu.

Call for applicants


The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA), is seeking applicants to the position of:
Executive Director – Deadline April 23, 2012