The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) is seeking applicants for the position of: Executive Director Application deadline: July 14, 2020 *The call is now closed – Thank you for your interest!* Established in 2004, ARCA represents some 180 artist-run centres and collectives across Canada, working directly with the nine associations of artist-run centres »»
l’arca in the loop — #32
May 15, 2020 – Anne Bertrand Bids Farewell to ARCA; Departure for Retirement of Bastien Gilbert, Director of RCAAQ; Taqralik Partridge named Nordic Lab Director; COVID-19 Impact Survey: Conclusions; Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS); Mutual Support Network in the Arts; Digital Reconfigurations, by Isabelle L’Heureux; Call For Proposals. —à la »»
Weekly x COVID-19 /04
WEEKLY/COVID-19 /04–Initial Response: Impact Survey–Preliminary results from the Impact survey circulated to artist-run centres. ARCA has received 74 responses to its survey of the COVID-19 impact on artist-run centres launched March 26, and covering the initial 30 days of self-distancing measures. Researcher Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte is in the process of analyzing results that will be »»
l’arca in the loop — # 30
FEBRUARY 20, 2020—ARCA NEEDS YOUR HELP! ARCA recently began the third phase of its project (not) just a question of money to support efforts to diversify organizational revenues using management and promotion tools, including a series of informational videos. ARCA needs your help to source video documentation and archival footage that highlight some of the services offered »»
News From the Membership
AGAVF ( Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones ) Appel de candidatures / 2e édition – Incubateur en commissariat / Été 2020 (French only) L’AGAVF lance un appel aux commissaires émergent.e.s pour participer à la 2e édition de l’Incubateur en commissariat à l’été 2020. Cet atelier intensif a comme objectif de soutenir les personnes souhaitant développer des initiatives en commissariat et »»
Call for Submissions / VOLUME 2 MTL
— CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS / VOLUME 2 MTL: ART AND THE BOOK Deadline: September 24, 2019 The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) invites publishing artist-run centres to submit their publications to VOLUME 2 MTL: ART AND THE BOOK. As an artist-run centre, you will be given a spot at ARCA’s table to promote and »»
l’arca in the loop — # 25
Call For Applications • Internship 2019 • Young Canada Works
—Project Coordinator Job Description This internship will immerse a recent graduate in the activities of the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA), a national arts service organisation that supports artist-run culture and the visual arts in Canada. Working closely with the ARCA Director, the intern will work as a lead coordinator on ARCA’s ambitious new »»
Vancouver Art/Book Fair 2015: Call for Exhibitors
Deadline to apply to participate: April 30, 2015 To Apply Publishers, artists, collectives, artist-run centres, institutions and art book distributors are welcome to apply to participate. Simply send a brief email introducing yourself and your publishing activities to our Exhibitors Coordinator at mel(at)vancouverartbookfair(point)com .
ARCCO’s call for proposals : Artist-Run Centres’ National Conference
ARCA is proud to announce that Artist-Run Centres & Collectives of Ontario (ARCCO) will be hosting the next national artist-run centre conference titled Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, from 12-14 November, 2015. ARCCO is inviting those who have a stake in current artist-run culture to submit proposals in response to the attached call before February 3rd 2015.