l’arca in the loop — # 30


FEBRUARY 20, 2020—ARCA NEEDS YOUR HELP! ARCA recently began the third phase of its project (not) just a question of money to support efforts to diversify organizational revenues using management and promotion tools, including a series of informational videos. ARCA needs your help to source video documentation and archival footage that highlight some of the services offered »»

l’arca in the loop #29


NEWSLETTER: L’ARCA IN THE LOOP #29—à la UNE: ARCA is proud to collaborate with Montreal-based illustrator and animated filmmaker Diane Obomsawin, aka Obom, to bring to life our 2020 edition of l’arca dans la poche – in the loop newsletter. Welcome, Diane! + News from the membership + Digital literacy in six micro-bites + ARCA’s »»

News From the Membership


AGAVF ( Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones ) Appel de candidatures / 2e édition – Incubateur en commissariat / Été 2020 (French only) L’AGAVF lance un appel aux commissaires émergent.e.s pour participer à la 2e édition de l’Incubateur en commissariat à l’été 2020. Cet atelier intensif a comme objectif de soutenir les personnes souhaitant développer des initiatives en commissariat et »»

l’arca in the loop — # 25


Lacey Price acknowledges the hard work in ARCs/Le Prix Lacey récompense le travail des CAAs + Internship at ARCA/Stage à l’ARCA + Coast-to-coast news from the ARCs & collectives network/Des nouvelles du réseau des CAAs et des collectifs autogérés d’un océan à l’autre + Podcast/Balado. >

Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion


From November 12 to 14, 2015, Artist-Run Centres & Collectives of Ontario (ARCCO) hosted Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion, a national conference focusing on diversity in the artist-run centres’ network.

ARCA visits South-Western Ontario


Invited by the Fine Arts Department of the University of Waterloo on February 25th to introduce a group of students to the artist-run network as part of their Professional Development Talks series, I stayed a few days longer to visit centres in Hamilton and London.

ARCCO’s call for proposals : Artist-Run Centres’ National Conference


ARCA is proud to announce that Artist-Run Centres & Collectives of Ontario (ARCCO) will be hosting the next national artist-run centre conference titled Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, from 12-14 November, 2015. ARCCO is inviting those who have a stake in current artist-run culture to submit proposals in response to the attached call before February 3rd 2015.

Conference : Hot buttons, Ottawa, 2008


Hosted by Artist-Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario (ARCCO), the Hot Buttons conference provided a stimulating forum that generated dialogue and debate on critical issues facing artist-run centres in Canada. An impressive and diverse range of panelists and keynote speakers at the forefront of artist-run culture focused on questions such as whether or not artist-run centres are successfully interacting with the younger generation of artists, serving the needs of newer artistic practices, or effectively reaching out to new audiences and increasing public awareness and appreciation and adapting to change.

(Proto ARCA) Convergence, Ottawa, 2002


An initiative of ARCCO, the Convergence conference ended a nine year professional development and networking drought in the artist-run centre community, a direct result of the demise of the national organization ANNPAC in 1994.  ARCCO was the first provincial organization to respond to this need by developing a  national conference specifically for the artist-run centre »»