clockwise: Michelle Lacombe, Viva!; Todd Janes, Visualeyes; Brenda Cleniuk, Neutral Ground; Glenn Alteen, grunt gallery; Emilio Portal, artist; Matthieu Dumont, L’Écart; Richard Martel, Le Lieu; Anonyme; Lindsay Ladobruk and Jaymez, Central Canadian Centre for Performance; Terrance Houle, Indigeneity; Stacey Ho, scribe; Randy Gledhill, LIVE Biennale; Tomas Jonsson, M:ST; Catherine Bodmer, Viva!; Shannon Cochrane, FADO; Chumpon Apisuk, Concrete House (Thailand); Paul Couillard, 7a*11d Festival
ARCA is proud to announce the upcoming publication of PERFORMANCE ART PRESENTATION IN CANADA TODAY, a summary of the LIVE Retreat minutes, Vancouver October 9 & 10, 2012, in INTER, ART ACTUEL – #115 fall issue, prepared by Stacey Ho and Randy Gledhill with the support of the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference / La Conférence des collectifs et des centres d’artistes autogérés (ARCCC/CCCAA, aka ARCA). The Retreat was attended by performance organisations from across Canada and represents current thinking on the topic of performance: its production, its presentation, its support mechanisms. The summary is included in a special issue of INTER, ART ACTUEL featuring A lexicon of action and performance art, as well as a fall calendar of performance programming across Canada. Read the Executive Summary of the Retreat here (PDF). Read the complete article available in french and in english (PDF).