Excerpted from ARCA’s 2014–15 Activity Report, these briefs are both informative and educational. Disseminated weekly, this micropublication approach will allow you to follow each subject individually while getting a holistic sense of ARCA’s activities as they are connected to current cultural events. A printed version will be distributed to participants of the plenary, Saturday November 14, from 1pm to 2pm, as part of the conference Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion. An interactive PDF version will be available shortly after.
L’ARCA — Brief no 1 : Berry Picking / Rubrique no 1 : Cueillette de petits fruits
L’ARCA — Brief no 2 : The Naked Truth / Rubrique no 2 : Toute la vérité
L’ARCA — Brief no 3 : A Piece of the Pie / Rubrique no 3 : Une part du gâteau
L’ARCA — Brief no 4 : Among Peers I / Rubrique no 4 : Entre pairs I
L’ARCA — Brief no 5 : Among Peers II / Rubrique no 5 : Entre pairs II
L’ARCA— Brief no 6 : On Flexibility / Rubrique no 6 : De la flexibilité
L’ARCA— Brief no 7 : On Dissemination I / Rubrique no 7 : De la diffusion I
L’ARCA— Brief no 8 : On Dissemination II / Rubrique no 8 : De la diffusion II
L’ARCA— Brief no 9 : On Labour / Rubrique no 9 : Du travail culturel
L’ARCA— Brief no 10 : On Equity / Rubrique no 10 : De l’équité