L’ARCA, a microedition in 12 briefs

Excerpted from ARCA’s 2014–15 Activity Report, these briefs are both informative and educational. Disseminated weekly, this micropublication approach will allow you to follow each subject individually while getting a holistic sense of ARCA’s activities as they are connected to current cultural events. A printed version will be distributed to participants of the plenary, Saturday November 14, from 1pm to 2pm, as part of the conference Artists at the Center: Moving from the Margins to Inclusion. An interactive PDF version will be available shortly after.

L’ARCA — Launch / Lancement

L’ARCA — Brief no 1 : Berry Picking / Rubrique no 1 : Cueillette de petits fruits

L’ARCA — Brief no 2 : The Naked Truth / Rubrique no 2 : Toute la vérité

L’ARCA — Brief no 3 : A Piece of the Pie / Rubrique no 3 : Une part du gâteau

L’ARCA — Brief no 4 : Among Peers I / Rubrique no 4 : Entre pairs I

L’ARCA — Brief no 5 : Among Peers II / Rubrique no 5 : Entre pairs II

L’ARCA— Brief no 6 : On Flexibility / Rubrique no 6 : De la flexibilité

L’ARCA— Brief no 7 : On Dissemination I / Rubrique no 7 : De la diffusion I

L’ARCA— Brief no 8 : On Dissemination II / Rubrique no 8 : De la diffusion II

L’ARCA— Brief no 9 : On Labour / Rubrique no 9 : Du travail culturel

L’ARCA— Brief no 10  : On Equity / Rubrique no 10 : De l’équité

L’ARCA— Brief no 11  : On Artist-Run Space & New Models / Rubrique no 11 : De l’espace autogéré & des nouveaux modèles

L’ARCA— Brief no 12  : Promises / Rubrique no 12 : Promesses