CARFAC Fee Schedule for 2013-2015

Dax Morrison, The Willing and Able, YYZ, 2009

ARCA has recently agreed, along with the museum associations (CMA and CAMDO) to extend the CARFAC fee schedule for another three years with yearly increases of 3%, until 2015, for a cumulative increase of 9,27%.

Expanding on this, the ARCA membership is in agreement with the principle that fees should be paid, and be subject to annual cost of living increases, but also acknowledges that not every artist-run centre will be able maintain, nor follow these increases. The two tier system that establishes fees on the basis of budgets that are below or above $500,000 does not reflect the budget scale of most artist-run centres which are on average much lower. There is also concern that the ongoing discussion over fees risk being understood by our present government as relating to special interests when, in fact, paying fees is a condition of public funding even as this funding remains stagnant. ARCA therefore accepts to support the yearly increases as per the following calculations even though these increases may represent supporting less artists overall:

  • 1, 690. (2012)
  • 1,690. + 3% (50.64) = 1, 739  (2013)
  • 1,739 + 3% (52.16) = 1,790 (2014)
  • 1,790 + 3% (53.72) = 1,845 (2015)

ARCA will continue to advocate for the inclusion of performance art fees in the agreement as this would contribute to promote respect for performance artists as professionals. Our organization feels that there has been and should continue to be a healthy partnership between CARFAC/RAAV and ARCA and the museums’ associations and that we are natural allies in the ongoing economic development of artists.