Earned revenue comprises roughly 10% of our operating budget. Considering the breadth and the volume of services we offer, this figure was already too small. We give away more and more because our communities are subject to debt deflation: they need more from us and are less and less favorably positioned economically in order to pay for those needs. Most immediately, it’s clear that we will be short of our already conservative earnings targets for the year…
– Survey respondant
A total of 74 organizations responded to the survey between March 26, 2020 and April 21, 2020. The average participation rate across ARCA’s regions was 43.05%. The vast majority of respondents (87%) are organizations with recurring multi-year or annual operating (core) support from one or multiple levels of government.
More than one third of respondents (39%) indicated anticipating financial impacts. The majority of respondents who noted financial impacts indicated anticipating losses in earned and fundraising revenue. Several respondents anticipated important losses in earned revenue as a result of a decline in rentals (including space, facilities, and equipment). A number of respondents also indicated having had to cancel or alter important fundraising events or campaigns as a result of the crisis. A few respondents also indicated having lost sponsorship revenue as a result of event cancellations, loss of sales revenue as a result of closures, and loss of Gaming revenue as a result of decreased use of gaming facilities (e.g. casinos).
The information provided by respondents indicates that 55 organizations (74.32% of respondents) had already implemented, or were considering implementing, alternative delivery formats for programming and services. Of note, 49 organizations (66.22% of respondents) indicated having used, or were considering using, online tools/formats to present programming, deliver services, and communicate with their membership and communities.
On a more positive note, some respondents indicated that the crisis had provided them with the time to undertake projects to which they had not been able to devote resources, or to devote their time to research, reflection, and planning.