This article considers the possibilities of archives and documentation, with a specific focus on their online dissemination and circulation. Particular emphasis will be placed on archive and documentation access and reuse by the greatest number of users possible. In the history of archiving, this was not always the most popular approach. Some archivists continue to »»
Artist-Run Centres and COVID-19
LAST UPDATE: April 14, 2020. This post will be updated periodically as the situation evolves. Artist-Run Centres and COVID-19 COVID-19 will have a tremendous impact on the artist-run centres network and its human resources, including artists and self-employed workers. The Governement of Canada announced emergency aid to all workers affected by closures and »»
Cloud Computing
Over the past decade, cloud computing has become a well-established trend in the digital world. Defined as a computing model that relies on pooling a large number of networked servers to store and manage data, it allows small organizations and individuals to access a vast amount of processing power at low cost. »»
Open Data
OPEN DATA—In our last chapter on the different levers of discoverability , we briefly examined the concept of linked data. For this third installment, we’ll take a closer look at open data. The concept is gaining ground within government and academic circles as new demands are being made in terms of transparency (see Government of Canada Open Data portal) and accessibility to publicly funded »»
The Levers of Discoverability
January 23, 2020 Did our clickbait work? The use of attention-grabbing, intriguing, or even shocking headlines to lure readers to click on links is a clever trick used by marketers to increase advertising revenue by driving large numbers of Internet users to their sites. Our intention is quite different: we wanted to draw your attention to »»
Blockchain Technology Explained
On November 28th 2018, Access Copyright, Prescient & CARFAC Ontario hosted an event in Toronto to present blockchain technology; emissaries from those organizations included Roanie Levy (Access Copyright/Prescient), Sapan Narang (Access Copyright/Prescient), Stephen Sawyer (Access Copyright/Prescient) and Elissa Pendergast (CARFAC). ARCA invited Toronto-based Aaron Tucker (bio at the end of the essay) to attend »»
CARFAC 2020 Royalty Schedule
CARFAC has undertaken a major overhaul of their minimum recommended royalty schedule; please consult the following URL for details: An online and print publicity campaign is in the works; material will be widely distributed once the new schedule website is completed and fully translated into french.
Assessing Professional Conditions for Performance Artists in Canada
May 30, 2019 — From May to August 2018, the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference/Conférence des collectifs et des centres d’artistes autogérés (ARCA), Canadian Artist Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC), and the Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV) conducted research on the professional conditions for performance art in Canada. The organizations »»
CHRC launches two training videos on workplace harassment in the arts
Under the Respectful Workplaces in the Arts banner ( ), the Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) announces two training videos on workplace harassment in the arts: one for employers – including Boards of Directors of not-for-profit organizations; and one for cultural workers – including self-employed artists, contractors and employees. These animated videos on ‘responding to harassment’ are scenario-based. They have been produced to explain »»
Retirement Savings Plans: What are the Options?
Following an analysis of Retirement Savings/Pension Plans in Canada as part of IMAA’s Assessing Sector Needs & Researching New Potential Services study, the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) and the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) wish to recommend the following retirements savings options plans for individuals and organizations in the independent arts sector. The »»