75,000 Canadian artists unite: it’s time for a basic income Today, we join 30+ arts organizations and 250+ independent artists and cultural workers, through one united voice: we call upon the Government of Canada to ensure the financial well-being of all residents by implementing a permanent Basic Income Guarantee. A Public Letter from the Arts Community for a Basic Income Guarantee Join the co-authors of the public »»
CARFAC 2020 Royalty Schedule
CARFAC has undertaken a major overhaul of their minimum recommended royalty schedule; please consult the following URL for details: https://carfac-raav.ca/2020-en/ An online and print publicity campaign is in the works; material will be widely distributed once the new schedule website is completed and fully translated into french.
CHRC launches two training videos on workplace harassment in the arts
Under the Respectful Workplaces in the Arts banner ( respectfulartsworkplaces.ca ), the Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) announces two training videos on workplace harassment in the arts: one for employers – including Boards of Directors of not-for-profit organizations; and one for cultural workers – including self-employed artists, contractors and employees. These animated videos on ‘responding to harassment’ are scenario-based. They have been produced to explain »»
Retirement Savings Plans: What are the Options?
Following an analysis of Retirement Savings/Pension Plans in Canada as part of IMAA’s Assessing Sector Needs & Researching New Potential Services study, the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCA) and the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA) wish to recommend the following retirements savings options plans for individuals and organizations in the independent arts sector. The »»
Taxation and the Artist
The Canadian Arts Coalition has created a Committee on Taxation and the Artist in partnership with many NASO organizations including CARFAC, IMAA, and the Canadian Dance Assembly. April Britski of CARFAC National has been leading this committee, with support from Co-Chair Kate Cornell. The Committee is focused on the fair treatment of professional artists regarding »»
Cultureculture: a survey on internships
Cultureculture is looking to create a more mutually-beneficial internship model for arts workers and we need your help. INTERNS: What did your internship look like? Please share your experiences in our survey at www.cultureculture.ca before August 15. Both you and your organization will be anonymous, and the data we collect will help us advocate for more equitable work in the arts.
I Sign! : Spill PROpagation Campaign Launch
Spill PROpagation in collaboration with Anne Bertrand, Executive Director of the Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference, Étienne Lepage, playwright, and Julie Tremble, artist and Director of Vidéographe, launch their microsite and visibility campaign titled Je Signe!
Analysis: The Visual Arts Landscape Seen Through CADAC
This study titled The Visual Arts Landscape in Canada as seen through CADAC 2011-2012, and prepared by the Research and Evaluation Office of the Canada Council for the Arts provides many answers while also raising a few questions. We learn that museums receive 88% of public financing, or $128,400,000 while artist-run centres receive only 10%, or $14,600,000. Budgets for the 88 artist-run centres reporting to CADAC do not exceed $750,000 a year, which is also the case of 58 museums and public galleries; however 65 of these institutions have budgets ranging from $750,000 to $7M.
Artexte Publisher’s Toolkit
Recently, Artexte has developed a unique open access digital repository for documents in the visual arts in Canada called e-artexte. The Publisher’s Toolkit, shared here in ARCA’s resource page, provides an introduction to the platform, a user’s guide as well as additional information and resources.
CARFAC Fee Schedule for 2013-2015
ARCA has recently agreed, along with the museum associations (CMA and CAMDO) to extend the CARFAC fee schedule for another three years with yearly increases of 3%, until 2015, for a cumulative increase of 9,27%. Expanding on this, the ARCA membership is in agreement with the principle that fees should be paid, and be subject to annual cost »»