Montreal, March 15, 2018—Sometimes it’s useful to step back and let the news speak for the dynamism in our artist-centred network. Here’s wishing everyone the courage to keep doing what you do, today and everyday. > Read more
L’arca in the loop #16
L’arca in the loop #15
Montreal, 12.19.17—Connecting Which Canadian Audiences and Artists?—Since public arts funding at the CAC is now tasked with serving Canadians as well as artists, those responsible for distributing public funds must have a clear understanding of who makes up these Canadian publics with which artists must connect.
L’arca in the loop #14
L’arca in the loop #13
L’arca in the loop #12
Montréal, August 24, 2017 – With Flotilla, the artist-run network’s 2017 (trans)national conference fast approaching (September 21-24), there’s still time to buy your all-access passes offered either at the student/underwaged or regular rate. Flotilla promises to be a unique conference, reflecting the existing practice in the Atlantic region of meeting annually. Read more
L’arca in the loop #11
Montréal, June 8, 2017 – Many of the members’ questions focused on translation. As a majority francophone constituency, the questions stemmed from the long-standing concern that applications submitted in French are not given the same consideration as those submitted in English. Read responses given by François Dion and Linda Nordstrom. Read more
L’arca in the loop #10
Montréal, February 15, 2017 – ARCA IS proud to announce the imminent release of The Grey Guide to Artist-Run Publishing and Circulation. This volume groups a series of seven briefs researched and written by artist, critic, cultural worker and art librarian Felicity Tayler. Read more
L’arca in the Loop #9
Montréal, January 19, 2017 – In this issue, members are reminded to register on the Canada Council for the Arts online portal, developed to streamline funding applications from individual artists, groups, and organizations. As of April 2017, all applications will transit via this portal. Read L’arca in the loop No. 9
L’arca in the Loop #8
Montréal, November 23, 2016 – In a recently crafted collective statement ARCA joined an ad hoc group of arts service organizations in Québec, to advocate for more equitable policies supporting Canadian, Québécois and Indigenous artistic production and dissemination in the digital era as part of Canadian Heritage consultations. Read L’arca in the loop No. 8