NEWSLETTER: L’ARCA IN THE LOOP #28—Happy Holidays to All!—Hamilton Artists Inc., winner of the 2019 Lacey Prize!—Post-2019 Federal Election—Updates from CARFAC/RAAV and the Canadian Arts Coalition—Digital literacy in six microbites: Blockchain technology explained—News from CFAT’s recent survey on digital strategy—A selection of the latest calls for submissions from artist-run centres + recently updated Directory! > Read more
Congratulations to Hamilton Artists Inc., winner of the 2019 Lacey Prize!
Congratulations to Hamilton Artists Inc., winner of the 2019 Lacey Prize, and to runners up Gallery Gachet (Vancouver) and Untitled Art Society (Calgary). The three-member independent jury comprised of Governor General Award-winning curator Glenn Alteen, National Gallery of Canada Assistant Curator, Contemporary Art, Nicole Burisch, and artist Louise Lacey-Rokosh also award honorable mentions to Struts Gallery (NB); this town is small (PEI); Critical Distance (ON), and Blinkers (MB) for the important work they are doing in their respective communities.
The new Lacey Prize, Canada’s newest art prize established by Dr. John Lacey in association with the National Gallery of Canada, was created to recognize the critical role that artist-run centres and smaller arts organizations play to support artists and foster emerging practices in Canada. Nominations for the second biennial Lacey Prize will open in the summer of 2021. #PrixLaceyPrize
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Post-2019 Federal Election
On November 14, ARCA attended a Post-2019 federal election event presented by Global Public Affairs. The electoral map reflects current division across Canada with Bloc Québécois in its best position since 2008. The following 30 MPs have been identified as championing arts in House of Commons, allies to call on when advocating for a piece of a possible GAFA tax, to serve NFP visual arts sector.
Electoral map.
Arts & Culture Champions.
Arts & Culture Newcomers.
Updates from CARFAC/RAAV
Please note CARFAC/RAAV have made significant updates to their Minimum Recommended Fee Schedule for 2020 and migrated the schedule to this new URL. Significant changes were made to the performance category, ensuring greater clarity and striving also for greater parity with exhibition fees.
Updates from the Canadian Arts Coalition
Another update of note comes from the Canadian Arts Coalition Artist Taxation Subcommittee in response to an increase in income tax audits. Representations made to the Canada Revenue Agency and arts councils in an effort to harmonize how grant revenues are reported.
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Digital literacy in six microbites?
Blockchain technology explained
“It is easier to start with what blockchain is not: it is not an app; it is not a social media or virtual world; it, itself, is not a currency; it is not a creation tool. Instead, very simply, blockchain is a tool to track virtual transactions and/or potentially facilitate exchanges of resources; in application, blockchain is being used to track food as it moves from farm to store; as a way to keep track of government spending in Dubai; and to establish ownership over a particular artist’s work(s) to then track the reproduction/distribution rights attached to said work(s).” > Read more + How does blockchain work?
According to a recent survey of artist-led organizations conducted by Centre for Art Tapes (CFAT) to inform their digital strategy, the majority of organizations maintain active profiles on FACEBOOK. Read the thought-provoking report from Amnesty International, one of the many articles compiled in the Culture in the Digital age press review by Charles Vallerand. > Read more
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—/ Make sure to also pop in to our recently updated Directory for the latest calls for submissions from artist-run centres.
Artist in Residence: Tilting AIR 2020 Summer Program
Deadline: January 15th
Artspace: Erring at King George
Deadline: February 2, 2020, 11:59 PM
Caisse Desjardins du Plateau-Mont-Royal: Bourse de création en nouveaux médias
Date de tombée: 12 janvier 2020 à 23h59
Appel de propositions: Vie des Arts numéro 258
Date de tombée: 5 janvier 2020
Appel de textes – Inter n°135
Date de tombée: 6 janvier 2020
Appel à soumissions: MUTEK 2020
Date de tombée: 19 janvier 2020
Appel de dossiers: Université Laval
Date de tombée: 25 janvier 2020
Call for Submissions: Art Gallery of St. Albert
Deadline: February 13, 2020 5 pm
Call for Submissions: Hamilton Artists Inc – Cannon Gallery, James Gallery & Cannon Project Wall
Deadline: January 12, 2020
Call for Submissions: Fogo Island Arts Young Curator Residency
Deadline: January 6, 2020 at midnight EST
Call for proposals: Craft Council Gallery, St. John’s, NL.
Deadline: December 23, 2019