NEWSLETTER: L’ARCA IN THE LOOP #27—Reminder: Call for proposals for Lands to Travel Through—ARCA Board of Directors election—ARCA welcomes SPiLL to its membership!—AGAVF welcomes two new collectives: IRIPAA and lecollectif—Ociciwan Contemporary Art Collective, Edmonton, Alberta, joins AAARC—Closing of the Gam Gallery in Vancouver, BC—Benchmarking study about remuneration of Canadian writers for literary works & MORE. > Stay in the loop here
Reminder: Call for proposals for Lands to Travel Through
An artist-run gathering in Alberta
Save the date / August 5–8, 2020
Call for proposals here.
Deadline to submit proposals: November 18, 2019
Notification of results: January 27, 2020
To get updates, please register on the conference website.
ARCA Board of Directors election
On November 7, ARCA held a members’ meeting to elect its Board of Directors. ARCA is proud to announce that both Eddie Ayoub, ARCA’s current Chair and Manitoba representative, and Tori Fleming, representing the Atlantic region, were both re-elected for two-year terms. Other directors whose terms remain ongoing include:
- Katrina Orlowski, Communications Manager, grunt gallery, Vancouver, representing the Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres (PAARC);
- Amber Phelps Bondaroff, Artistic Coordinator, Neutral Ground, Regina, representing the Plains Artist-Run Centres Association (PARCA);
- Ginger Carlson, Director, Truck Contemporary, Calgary, representing the Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres (AAARC);
- Lise Leblanc, Director, Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones (AGAVF);
- And, after 15 years of loyal service, Bastien Gilbert, Executive Director of the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ), has chosen to step down from the ARCA board. Representation of the RCAAQ will now be ensured by Catherine Bodmer, Professional Development Coordinator, a decision endorsed by their board on August 30.
The ARCA board is composed of one representative mandated by each of the nine member artist-run associations. The board meets quarterly by videoconference, and once a year in person. The last in person meeting took place in Toronto August 21-23.
ARCA welcomes SPiLL to its membership!
The Board of Directors is proud to announce that SPiLL, an organization dedicated to artistic creation and production in sign languages in Canada and beyond, has joined ARCA. ARCA’s very first affiliate member, SPiLL is represented by its co-director, Tiphaine Girault-Bath. Delegates who attended our national conference in Charlottetown in September 2017 will remember her keynote address “Deconstructing Phonocentrism: Sign Language Rights, Accessibility, and the Arts.”
For information on SPiLL’s history and mandate, visit their website (under construction).
L’Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones (AGAVF) is proud to report two new collectives, IRIPAA and lecollectif, have joined the association in 2019, bringing to 20 the number of members from francophone community in minority situations, spread across seven provinces now reaching Bristish-Colombia – In 1999, the Galerie du Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain (GCCFM) was the only member located West of Toronto. Long-term work has been done in the West with the provincial cultural organizations and local creators that led to the establishment of the Western work group and the new N.O. (NW) Network. For this reason, AGAVF is pleased that ARCA’s next National Conference is taking place in Alberta. AGAVF will organize a delegation of its members to attend as part of its professional development program.
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Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres (AAARC) is proud to announce the recent addition of Ociciwan Contemporary Art Collective based in Edmonton, Alberta, to their membership. Ociciwan supports Indigenous contemporary art, and advocates for innovative, experimental creative practices and research.
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Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres (PAARC) is sad to announce the closing of the Gam Gallery located in a storefront at ACME studios; the studio was sold to the Salvation Army to shelter people in need in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. December 1st would have been their 10 year anniversary.
The Remuneration of Canadian Writers for Literary Works: A Benchmarking Study
Conducted by Communications MDR and published in September 2017, this study documents current standards in remuneration for work undertaken by professional writers working in artistic literary disciplines in Canada and internationally. The study also documents current standards in remuneration for work undertaken by professional writers working in the related cultural sectors of literary translation, freelance writing, editing, and writing for screen- and radio-based cultural industries in Canada. The study concludes with proposed minimum standards and terms of remuneration for literary writers in Canada, which may also be relevant for writers in the visual and media arts, as well. > More info
Other calls
Call for Proposals: Family residency at Union House Arts, Port Union, NL.
Deadline: January 15, 2020, 23:59 NST (+3:30)
Call for Proposals: 2020 summer residencies at Union House Arts, Port Union, NL.
Deadline: January 15, 2020, 23:59 NST (+3:30)
Call for Proposals: Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON.
Deadline: December 12, 2019, 23h59 EST
Appel à projets – l’Université Laurentienne, Sudbury, ON.
Date de tombée : 12 décembre 2019, à 23h59
Call for Proposals: Back to Basics residency at Arteles, Haukijärvi, Finland.
Deadline: January 9, 2020
Call for Proposals: research-creation residency at the Centre d’exposition de Université de Montréal.
Deadline: January 6, 2020
Appel à projets – résidence de recherche-création:
Date de tombée : 6 janvier 2020