In celebration of MAWA’s 30th anniversary, Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) and Manitoba Artist-Run Centres Coalition (MARCC) have joined forces to present Who Counts: A Feminist Art Throwdown, three days of lectures, debates and events that will bring together feminists, artists and cultural workers from across Canada to discuss feminist art in Canada now. The conference is being organized in addition to exhibitions by Manitoba and Indigenous women artists taking place in twenty-four galleries across the province.
Will you be in Winnipeg for Who Counts: A Feminist Art Throwdown? Are you a staff or board member of an artist-run centre?
Artist-run plenary assembly Thursday October 2nd 5 to 7pm La Maison des artistes visuels 219 Provencher Blvd, Saint-BonifaceJoining in the celebration of MAWA’s 30th anniversary, ARCA will hold a plenary assembly from 5 to 7pm, Thursday October 2nd at La Maison des artistes visuels in Saint-Boniface. Members of the local artist-run scene as well as members from the nations-wide artist-run community in town for the symposium are invited to join the ARCA board members representing nine artist-run associations in an exchange on what is currently at stake in artist-run/centred culture.
Providing more frequent opportunities to meet was one of the stated wishes expressed by the members in attendance at the ARCA plenary meeting held in October 2012, at Institutions by Artists in Vancouver. See notes here.
Sandwiches and refreshments will be served.
About ARCA
The Artist-Run Centres and Collectives Conference (ARCCC aka ARCA) is a Canadian organization that represents – by way of the regional associations that form its membership – approximately 170 artist-run centres and collectives in cities and towns across the country. The members include the following associations: Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres (AAARC), Association of Artist-Run Centres from the Atlantic (AARCA), The Aboriginal Region (ABO), Artist-Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario (ARCCO), l’Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones (AGAVF), Manitoba Artist-Run Centres (MARC), Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres (PAARC), Plains Association of Artist-Run Centres (PARCA) and Le Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ).
For more information about ARCA and the plenary assembly: Anne Bertrand(at)arccc-cccaa(dot)org, p: 514-730-6129
About MAWA
Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art encourages and supports the intellectual and creative development of women in the visual arts by providing an ongoing forum for education and critical dialogue.
Printed event programs are available in the participating artist-run centres and exhibition spaces. For further information about the symposium and access to a preferred rate at the Marlborough Hotel ($85) please contact Lindsey Bond, Program Coordinator: programs(at)mawa(dot)ca, p: 204.949.9490