News From the Membership

AGAVF (Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones)

  • Appel de candidatures / 2e édition – Incubateur en commissariat / Été 2020 (French only)

L’AGAVF lance un appel aux commissaires émergent.e.s pour participer à la 2e édition de l’Incubateur en commissariat à l’été 2020. Cet atelier intensif a comme objectif de soutenir les personnes souhaitant développer des initiatives en commissariat et de stimuler les projets d’expositions ou d’événements visant à mieux faire connaître les œuvres et les artistes visuel.le.s des communautés francophones du Canada.

Trois commissaires émergent.e.s œuvrant sur le territoire où évoluent des centres artistes et galeries membres de l’AGAVF (Acadie, Ontario, Ouest) bénéficieront de deux semaines de réflexion et de création avec l’accompagnement de la commissaire Véronique Leblanc dans un lieu qui sera déterminé en considérant les propositions soumises.  À la lumière de besoins convergents, des activités de professionnalisation seront également offertes. Des visites d’expositions réalisées par des commissaires professionnel.le.s sont également prévues, préalablement à une retraite de travail.

La date de dépôt des candidatures est lundi 2 mars et la date de réponse est lundi 30 mars 2020.

Pour en savoir plus :


  • Meetings in Acadie (NB), Ontario, and the West

Following the postponement of AAARC/ARCA’s artist-run centre conference in Alberta to August 2020, AGAVF took the opportunity to hold a series of regional meetings (in Acadie, Ontario, and Western Canada) in order to learn about its members’ initiatives and identify regional priorities under each component of AGAVF’s new strategic plan for 2019–24. The Acadia group met December 12–13 in Moncton, the Ontario group will convene in Ottawa  January 30–31, and the Western group will meet in Winnipeg on February 27–28, 2020. In Moncton, a dozen delegates from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia representing seven AGAVF members brought the organization up to date on their advocacy work at the federal level, and on their outreach initiatives, namely at the international level via the inclusion of the visual arts in the Stratégie de promotion des artistes acadiens sur la scène internationale initiative (SPAASI, or “support for Acadian artists in international markets”). The meeting coincided with the end of the Volet Arts Médiatiques program of the Festival international francophone du cinéma en Acadie (FICFA), which included a closing event at Galerie Sans Nom in Moncton for the Collectif HAT exhibition, and a visit to the city’s newest gallery, Murmur, which hosted the AGAVF meeting.
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ARCCO (Artist Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario)

ARCCO held its Special Members’ Meeting on November 25, 2019, to consult with the membership and initiate a reorganization process. After consulting with local funders and with arts advocacy groups nationwide, the remaining board members set out several courses of action for our membership’s consideration and discussion last November. At the meeting, at Gallery 1313 in Toronto, we consulted with several member organizations to understand their needs and how we might proceed. In some ways, ARCCO’s recent “hiatus” may be seen as an opportunity for member organizations to create a radically different kind of representative body. An interim board was ratified at the meeting and purposed with organizing an annual general meeting and electing a new board. The interim board will also be responsible for reorganizing ARCCO and updating our mandate to reflect the realities of artists’ lives in the 2020s.
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PARCA (Plains Artist-Run Centres Association)

PARCA held its annual face-to-face meeting at Neutral Ground, in Regina, early last December. Our previous meeting was focused on extending membership across Saskatchewan, and we were pleased to welcome three new members: Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative, the Art Gallery of Regina, and Swamp Fest. PARCA also welcomed new associate member Barbara Meneley, who is researching artist initiatives across the province as a post-doctoral fellow with the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance. Barbara is seeking to establish outreach to artist-led initiatives outside of Regina and Saskatoon (where most PARCA members are currently based). PARCA also discussed organizational priorities, considering our available resources and ARCA’s regional development support. The Association agreed unanimously on two priorities: to create a web presence for PARCA, and to participate in a regional anti-oppression training for members. Committees were struck to take action on these goals, with a check-in at our next meeting set for early March. We also discussed the national gathering in Alberta in August. Considering our geographic proximity, attendance seemed feasible for various members, and we look forward to it. We are excited to recognize the renewed energy at PARCA, and look forward to our organization’s next steps.
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RCAAQ (Le Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec)

A plan for possible alignment or even integration of the RCAAQ with the Conseil Québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM) and the Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec (RAIQ), which was initiated a few years ago, is entering a new phase of development. In early February, a resource person will be hired to oversee this process. Incidentally, the RCAAQ’s training service has just published Le Petit Guide orange du partage des ressources et de la mutualisation, the fourth volume in the RCAAQ’s “Petits Guides” series. This publication seeks to stimulate ideas and provides some practical tools for pooling resources and/or integrating organizations.
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